<% 'Applies only to the home page Dim dbH 'DB object Dim strSQLH 'DB SQL query Dim cmdH 'DB Command Dim strConnH 'DB string connection Dim arrPagesH 'DB pages table Set dbH = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set arrPagesH = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") strConnH = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source =; Initial Catalog = SD_CMS; User Id = sd_cms_client; Password=SD_CMS_1atfF4p9" dbH.Open strConnH strSQLH = "Select * from CMS_Content WHERE user_id='201'" set objRsH = dbH.execute(strSQLH) if not objRsH.EOF then do while not objRsH.EOF pageNameH = trim(objRsH("page_name")) pageContentH = trim(objRsH("page_content")) arrPagesH.Add pageNameH,pageContentH objRsH.Movenext loop End If arrkeysH = arrPagesH.Keys If Err.Number <> 0 Then response.write "Error connecting to the database" Response.End End If %> Country Fresh Meats and Deli - Deli Thunder Bay

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Deli Thunder Bay - Image 1 Deli Thunder Bay - Image 2 Deli Thunder Bay - Image 3